Last weekend, my friend and I attended Japanese cooking class. We learnt how to make maki sushi and chawan mushi. I am sure everybody know what sushi is but I am not sure if anyone know chawan mushi. The chawan mushi is egg custard dish , which is usually served as appetizer. But in this post, I show you only how to make sushi. I will write about chawan mushi in later posting.
Makizushi (巻き寿司, lit. rolled sushi). A cylindrical piece, formed with the help of a bamboo mat, called a makisu (巻き簾). Makizushi is generally wrapped in nori, but can occasionally be found wrapped in a thin omelette, sesame seeds, cucumber, or parsley.[1] Makizushi is usually cut into six or eight pieces, which constitutes a single roll order. Below are some common types of makizushi, but many other kinds exist.

Makizushi (巻き寿司, lit. rolled sushi). A cylindrical piece, formed with the help of a bamboo mat, called a makisu (巻き簾). Makizushi is generally wrapped in nori, but can occasionally be found wrapped in a thin omelette, sesame seeds, cucumber, or parsley.[1] Makizushi is usually cut into six or eight pieces, which constitutes a single roll order. Below are some common types of makizushi, but many other kinds exist.

sushi rice : place cooked rice in a large bowl pour in vinegar and little bit sugar, fan the rice to cool by hand.

Ingredients : Sushi rice, nori, kamaboko, tamagoyaki (eggroll), shiso leave, kampyou, lettuce, cucumber, mushroom, kani, mayonaise, denbu ( you can choose the ingredient for inside of sushi) but the primary ingredients are sushi rice and nori.

place one sheet of nori lengthways across bamboo mat. dip finger in a bowl of vinegared water. pick up rice and place across center of nori and spread the rice over nori until covered, leaving little bit space of nori.

place mushroom, eggroll, kani, shiso leave and lettuce ( or anything you want) on top of rice.

rolling the sushi forward with pressing gently but tighly

cut roll with sharp knife in half, and slice both rolls again to give eight bite size pieces.

Here are can make your own sushi now :P. I'm sending my sushi for Wine and Dine : Reisling and Japanese Eats hosted by Joelen of Joelen's Culinary Adventures .
Asiikkkkk bgt Sye. Gue seumur-umur blm pernah ikut cooking class. Pasti asik ya, nambah banyak temen dan dapet ilmu baru. Gue tuh penasaran pengen bikin sushi sendiri. Ya selama ini tutorialnya dari yutub atau videojug.
Aaahhhhh pengen ngrasainnya sushinya Elsye :).
Duhh..elsye coba deket mau deh ikutan belajar bikin ini, soale anakku tuh seneng banget makanan jepang sampe suka ke restonya sushi all you can eat di Hamburg, soale maknya cuman bisa bikin sushi ala jawa aja :)
to dita : kekekek, cooking class nya lumayan murmer Dit, makanya gue ikutan..:D
pasti loe bisa deh, gampang banget kok yang sushi roll sih kalo yang ada ikan2 nya itu gue juga ga bisa..susah boo ...kesini dong kita makan sushi bareng2..:P
to mbak retno : tar deh aku kesana mbak..:))) *ngarep* , bikin sendiri pasti bisa kok mbak..apalagi jago masak begitu..:D
Elsyeeeeeeee.... takjub liat teknik foto nya yang luar biasa.. :-) dan beruntung banget bisa belajar langsung dari orang jepun nya..
asyik ya els ada making sushi class, hmm awating for your chawan mushi-he he he
i bought sushi rice from dubai, but dunno wat to do since my pindahan still bete!
anyway your pics are helping me to figure out what i am going to do with it,THX
wah belon pernah makan sushi hehe... jd penyasaran *kyk arwah aja hehe*
asiknya ikutan cooking class. jadi pengen bikin sushi lagi dweh ngeliat sushi di dapur elo
Waaah! Gue udah kebayang serunya!! Asik ya El, nambah ilmu masak + nambah temen :). Waktu di Indo gue sempet kursus baking, tapi cuman sehari doang, gak bisa ngikutin 3 hari full :(.
Tapi, sehari aja seru banget!
Gue belom pernah bikin sushi. Kapan2 pengen coba aaahhh.
Waaah dapet caranya bikin sushi.... hehehe tp blom pernah makan, enak ga siiih ???
Fotonya cakep ah !
to fitri : iya bener mak..gue langsung belajar dari oran gjepunya..:P, thankss say :D
to ira : thankss ra, moga cepet beres pindahannya :P
to sheila : kekekke, bikinnnn :P, tapi bener ikutan cooking class emang asik :D
to mae : enakkkkk, cobain aja say :D
ketinggalan qiqiiq
to ayin : wakakkaak arwah penasaran, biar ga penasaran bikinnn dwong :P
to mindy : ayoo say bikin lagi buat nemenin nonton bola qiqiiqiq
jeng, fotonya seger bener.
itu kalo mau bikin sushi harus pake bambunya ye.
gue dah stok si nori tp blom bikin2 berhubung kg ada bambunye hehehe
mba els..aku masih nyimpen nori yang beberapa hari lalu aku beli di daisho,kalo mo dibikin sushi norinya perlu dikukus dulu ato langsung dibikin ajah?
*katrok nihh*
abisnya ga bisa baca tulisan jepun, ga bisa baca cara penyajiannya juga di bungkusnya..:(
ciee...yang sibuk ikutan cooking class nih, jadi gak sempet chatting...huhuhuhu...
hihih pernah belajar bikin sushi waktu itu ada cooking class di japanese restaurant di shangrilla hotel. Rollingnya agak tricky...hihihi
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