Monday, July 14, 2008

Snack's Time

My family loves to eat any kind of snacks. Everyday, there has to be a plate of cakes or a bowl of cookies ready on the dinner table. Usually, I make cookies or cake or something savoury like fritters. My two little kids however, love to eat cookies.



I have to be creative in serving new kind of cookies everytime. So what is the solution ? Of course, google !


Googling new recipe for cookie. There are tons of cookie recipe in the internet. Not all taste good, but we have to try the recipe to find out. Some of them has become my favourite recipes.

For instance, banana chocolate chips cookie. The kids love the chocolate chip cookie. I got the recipe from Vania, and also from Dita dan Foni who verified that this is the best recipe for chocolate chip cookie. So, I have made it and I think it is best with ice chocolate.


Yesterday, I tried this recipe again, but this time, I used wheat fluor instead of regular flour. I also used raisin in the place of chocolate. They sill taste very very good !


If you are interested, please check Vania's or Dita's or Foni's blog for the recipe. Happy snacking !


Yuli P. Digdo said...

pengen nyoba ini dari kemaren tapi badannya masih gak bersahabat gara2 flu .. hehehehe. enak gak mbak? hasil akhirnya renyah ato chewy? pengen nyoba mumpung punya pisang mateng banget ... :)

Unknown said...

pengen nyoba bikin jadinya. sut liat di tempatnya Vania n Dita, kayana endang emang yaa

ambaradventure said...

yum..kliatannya elsye

sefa firdaus said...

ini udah aku bookmark juga, ngiler gara-gara liat videonya Dita..

Els... makasih ya, presentasinya udah selesai... aku jadi minjem satu foto, yg foto sneakers itu loh :)

Foni said...

asik ngemil2 sambil minum hot cocoa,,gue rasanya mo bikin lagi sye, yg ini dah tinggal 1 butir hehehe

A. Ann said...

Nah ketemu lagi kukis ini disini. Jd makin penasaran deh.Enak banget ya Sye? Pengen bikin bangeett..

Vivi Rahayu said...

Pas baca dari Dita tentang kukis ini udah pengen nyoba, udah dicatet cuman belum punya wheat flournya. Lha kok disini juga lagi bikin...tambah bikin penasaran.

Dita said...

woooaaaaa dah banyak yg nyoba toh? kalo gak ada wheat flour pake tepung byasa aja. Kayaknya gue mo ngekukis lagi nih hari ini. Ultimate Double Chocolate-nya yg ada di Mindoel n Sefa.

Elsye said...

to yuli : wahhh udah bikin juga yul, tar aku meluncur yaa :D

to mindy : cobain dwehh...:D enak boww

to ambar : iya :D..thanks udah mampir ya :D

to sefa : wow akhirnya selesai Fa, :D
ikutan seneng :D

to foni : bikin lagi say :P

to anne : enakkk, walau ngga kranci :D

to vivi : wheat flournya ganti ama tepung biasa aja Vi :d

to dita : emberr makk, enak ni hh :D

Nana said...

potonya keren bangetttttt

Retno Prihadana said...

ikutan nyomot cookiesnya aja ahhh. Klo camilan seringnya bikin gorengan atau cake aja.

Unknown said...

mau ahhhh aku paling seneng makan gorengan yang asin2 seh ehehehe tapi kukis pengen coba bikin hehe

Sheila said...

Emang bapak Google banyak banget jasanya ya, El :D.
Gue juga baru bikin kukis 2 macem. Satunya kukis jeruk, satu lagi biskuit cheese-nya KBB. Dua2nya enak. Cuma kontras aja, yg satu manis, yg satu lagi asin :D.

Pengen coba juga ah yg satu ini. Gue kayaknya ketagihan bikin kukis nih...hehehe. Sayangnya, males gue foto & males posting...huhuhu.

A.G said...

mampir jg sambil nyumot kukisnya :) sini udah agak panasan jg enak kl sambil lenyeh-2 diteras

Dwiana P said...

BAGI..........!! Elsye, ini cookies tebar pesona dimana2. nti gw keknya ikutan coba bikin deh (kalau gk males LOL)

btw, itu postingan yg baru lo bunga sakura yah? manteppp + cantik! eh itu pake bhs jepang pula. Hayoh artiin coba...and kok gw gk bisa kasih komen ke postingan bunga lo yah. caranya gimana sih spy nutup komen gitu.

Ira Rodrigues said...

hiks, no worries of this one, i got oven in my villa now.
lumayan buat nyoba yg ini els