So finally I made scones with raisin. Taste was very good and quickly, the cookies were finished by my hungry army soldier.


By the way, I've got tagged from Dita of Yummy and Dwiana of My Adventure of Cooking Diary (thanks gilrs :D), to show my best 10 foodie picture. Ehmmm...I don't think that my picture is the best but I would picked 10 of them which are my favorite.
Photography has become more than a hobby, it is a way to reflect and release my stressfull life in foreign country. You can imagine living in a country where you speak little of the local language. It is like living in prison. So photography and blogging can outreach far wider world, where many people may understand my language.
I met, blogger from many country most of them are Indonesian and we have same hobby, photography. Well...from them I learned how to take photos. Thanks... rolling this tag, I would like to pass it to my friends :
1. Ira
2. Ayin
3. Rita
4. Anne
5. Nana

Enjoy Girls :D
mbak foto2mu selalu membuatku terkagum2 ... :).
wah kena tag.. aku mlau potoku jelek-2 kok :D
yo wes nanti tak cari poto yg bagus :)
kena tag juga ya Els dari Dwi :))
aku belum ngerjain, masih males :D
Shey, bungkus sini oatmealnya qiqiiiqi. makanan bergizi gw gk nolak deh.
thank udah ngerjain prnya neng. Gw salah sat penggemar foto2 lo nih.
wuaaa...kena tag diriku..hiks. Ntar ya say tak kerjain PR nya :-D
Jadi pengen nyoba juga kukis pake oatmeal
to yuli : thankss :D jadi tersanjung
to ayin : wees fotomu bagus2 gitu kok jeng :D ayoo ayooo
to safa : yoi say, qiqiqiiq dari dita udah lama b anget, makanya langsung gue kerjain :D
to dwi : sengkiyuuu juga say..:D, sini lo ambil sendiri kukisnya :D
to nana : kena juga Na...qiiqiqiq
to mindy : tukeran say ama kukis loe ;P
sye, kalo scone itu bisa disimpen nga?
qiqiqi...kena tag juga, Say? Gue dapet tag ini dari Mbak Rita Bellnad, tapi sampe sekarang belom dikerjain :(. Kayaknya pengen ngerjain yg ini aja deh. Daripada blog gue gak diapdet2 :D.
El, gue suka banget sama foto tangan yg pegang buncis. Kuereen!
to foni : bisa disimpen say..:D, gue juga udah nyimpen :D
to sheila : yuhuuu sheilll iya apdet dong blog loe gue dah lama ga liat postingan loe nih *fans setia* ...btw thankss :D
thank for you Tag els
panduannya juga berharga buat aku yg o'on habis, he he
Elsye..klo yang aku punya itu jadi mirip roti tapi lebih renyah gitu say, kmarenan aku bikin lagi tapi cuma di gulung2 keq bola gitu trus di pres pake tangan..nyoba klo ga pake loyang..ternyata jadi juga koq say. Memang aku bilang sih ga kayak roti lazimnya, tapi lebih crunchy.. :-) maaf klo ga berkenan..
oya.. itu liat koleksi foto nya emang keren.. berbakat gitu lo bu.. :-)
to ira : kekekek sippp usah buru2 kok :P
to fitri : yoi say, gue aja nih yang once...qiqiqiqi, baru pertama kali bikin scone ngiler liat postingan loe :P...sengkiiyuuu ya makkk
waduh...daku minder kalo soal famer foto...abis foto2ku zelex seh T_T...coba tak cari2 ada yg decent engga yaaa hiks hiks
Hehehhe sip bu, makasi tagnya..foto2nya keren2 euy...
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