Well, it was my second attempt making butter cookies and I always stock up the ingredients in my small kitchen. In the first attempt making this cookies, I was confused because the cookie dough became sticky and still wet, and then I read again the method...oo yeea it should be kept in refrigerator at least 1.5 hour.
Ok here is the recipe :
Butter Cookies
Source : Recipe Junction
2.5 Cups All Purpose Flour
1 Cup Butter
1/2 Cup White Sugar
1 Egg
1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract
Cream the butter until light
Add sugar and beat until fluffy
Beat in eggs and Vanilla extract and to this blend in the flour.
Cover and chill for about and hour and half.
Roll the dough just like how you would roll the chapati( use extra flour to roll)
Cut into desired shape using cookie cutter.
Bake at 350 for 9 to 12 mins.
Cool completely on a wired rack.
what a simple lovely recipe! thanks.
enak nih buat ngeteh sore hari..
.... blum pernah bikin cookies, baru mau coba minggu2 ini. Kayanya gampang banget yaaaa.... :D coba ah!
enaaak sye?? resepnya simple banget ya, tfs!:)
El, yang namanya butter kukis, pasti bahan2nya hampir sama semua ya. Gue juga sering bikin ini. Gampang & praktis. Pokoknya jadi salah satu solusi kalo toples kukis gue kosong :D.
toples kukis dirumahku juga kosong loh Els, mau dong diisi-in :))
ehhmm kukis yg atu ini belum pernah gw bikin. males.com pengennya datengin rumah lo aja Els alias minta don:)
gimana summer makin asyik gk disana? pasang juga foto2 ttg jepang donk neng.
asikk gue mau bikin ah,i doyan butter cookies.
jd kalo belon pernah bikin kukis enaknya nyontek yang ini dulu ya? hehe
Terlihat kriyuk2 Kuenya Sye. Udah lama aku nggak bikin kue2 kering, paling2 ntar kalo pas Natalan rame pesenan, he he!
kukisnya ayu. kamu pinter bikin kukis ya Elsye :D jadi hobby ya baking..akhir-2 ini aku lg baking blue :(
Bu,tambah sipp aja nih Baking and Potonya,keren euyy..
Apakabarnya nih.
yg ini simple els, cocok dg skill aku yg masih tingkat rendah, he he
butter cookie dough is the easiest cookie dough I've ever made at work. Since sometimes I don't have enough time to complete all the tasks, but my co-worker forgot to make the dough. This dough is my favorite. Soalnya kl bikin cookie dough gak tanggung2 mesti buat beberapa kali baking batch. Biasanya sih pake sampe 16 cups tepung :d
wah..recipenya simple sekali..
pgn nyoba ah..thanks mba..dan salam kenal dari saya..:)
resepnya udah dipraktekin, mbak.. simpel tapi enyak..enyak..
thank you so much for a fantastic recipe. i blogged about it too - http://arundathi-foodblog.blogspot.com/2009/03/butter-cookies.html
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