
I ordered a cup of Caramel Coffe with Cream on top, a cup of Mango Fruit Punch and a slice of Mango sponge cake. It is not the cheapest but not the most expensive as well. To enjoy the cozy, peaceful space and getaway from hot and humid osaka weather, you have to pay at least one thousand yen. Fair price for such delicious amenities.

It was still early, about 10 in the morning, so the cafe is only half full. Many had their breakfast, read newspaper, or simply chat with their friends.

Starbuck cafe is not just average cafe, they also offer lifestyle. So along with variety of coffe drinks and cake and pastries, they also sell brand merchandise like mug, coffee marker, coffee pot and of course the well-known Starbuck souvenirs.

The cafe also provides promotion CD with player for some light jazz and easy listening artist, just like in the music CD store. Also, book for children. So perhaps, next time I should take the kids. They might start the brawl in the cafe, but they can read the book instead and enjoyed the thirst quencher, fruit punch.
akhirnya yg starbuck ini dilaunching juga :D
aku udah liat di google reader (udah lama gitu deh), cuma ditambahin ya Els fotonya?
cakep-cakep euy potonya
jadi kencan bedua dowang nih??? kapan ya gue? nunggu anak2 udah pada sekolah kali yeeee :D
Aku suka Starbucks! Kopi-nya oohhh...enyak yah nongkrong bdua doang ama hubby..:-) Ngarep ada foto dirimu n hubby..
Eh, emang boleh moto di dalem Starbucks? Gue pernah baca blog org kalo dia kudu ngumpet2 moto di sana.
El, itu foto dibikin BW kah? Suka banget!
to sefa : kekekeke...ga ditambahin fa, gue kemaren rada bingung mau di posting apa ga :D..thankss sayyy :D
to dita : ayooo makk kencan pas anak2 sekolah nanti :P
to anne : qiqiiqiq, malu NE kalo foto berdua :P
to sheila : kemaren sih gue cuek, yang ada si waiter nya cuek juga, soalnya gue pura2 moto makanan gue sendiri //wakakakaka
thankss ya bu
idiih..siriiiik.. tau Elsye bisa kencan qiqiqi..*Nisa, dititip ke Elsye kali yaa..klo gue mo kencan sama daddy hihihi..
foto as always.. keyeeeen..!! koq ya dengan di taro nya gambar headphone jadi berasa ng'denger musik juga ya.. keren..say..
Fotone apik2 tenan Sye ...
having a great time with the loved one such incomparable momment indeed!!
i love blueberry cheese cake from Starbuck, yum!
hmm starbuck.. ndak pernah kesitu :(( pengen jane tp disini mana ada starbuck :( wkt di Amsterdam sbenerna pgn mampir tp kok keburu boarding :(( *starbuck di Ams cuma di aiport doang*
to fitri : kekekekek sini Nisa gue yang jagain :D
to mbak Judith : thankss mbak :D
to ira : kekekek sure....!!
to ayin : wess kenapa ga beli Yin waktu di belanda :D
Els....fotonya dong yang lagi kencan berdua, gtu....hihihi
foto lo yg lagi pacaran di starbuck gk sekalian di jepret qiqiiqiqiqi
Els, lo kok bisa sih ngumpet2 moto2 nya. gw dah jiper duluan loh.
sye, ajarin dong gimana sih bisa bikin foto cakep gitu rrrrrr...
gue sukaaa banget
btw i tdk bisa minum kopi starbucks loh.. terlalu strong kaliya.. abis minum itu bisa jantung gue debarannya parah
wih pesen minumnya sampe 2 El? ga salah tuh? kalo aku minumnya ga gitu banyak sih, makanya kalo tau org pesen minum lgs 2 porsi jadi terkagum2..eh tp itu maksudnya 2minuman itu Elsye yg minum sendiri atau berdua misua?hehehe..just a comment El..yg penting foto2nya tetep kerennnnn...
to ienas : kekekek maluu booww
to dwi : qiqiqiqi, malu gue kalo gue pajang foto mareng misua wakakkaka
btw, gue pan pura2 moto makanan gue Dwi :P
to foni : iya bow, strong banget..pait :((, thankss sayy :D
to lidia : qiqiqiqi aku makan kan berdua say, kalo sendiri waww...keliatan bow maruknya ..:P
I only buy something at starbucks if I miss my Sumatran coffee but if they don't brew it, I'll go for the espreso double shots ice. However, two of coffee shops are not far from my house (both of them are only a block away), Second Cup and Starbucks. Both of them sell Sumatran coffee.
aku jarang sih ke starbucks, tapi paling seneng yang edisi xmas toffee latte atau gingerbread latte hehe
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