Thursday, June 26, 2008

Japanese Cooking Class Part #2 : Chawan Mushi

As I promise, I will post chawan mushi after I posted Maki Sushi. Chawan mushi is egg custard and ussualy served as appetizer and better served as soon as it is cooked.

Chawanmushi (茶碗蒸し,Chawanmushi, literally "tea cup steam" or "steamed in a tea bowl") is an egg custard dish found in Japan that uses the seeds of ginkgo. Unlike many other custards, it is usually eaten as an appetizer. The custard consists of an egg mixture flavored with soy sauce, dashi, and mirin, with numerous ingredients such as shiitake mushrooms, kamaboko, and boiled shrimp placed into a tea-cup-like container. The recipe for the dish is similar to that of Chinese steamed eggs, but the toppings may often differ.
Source : Wikipedia

Here is a recipe :
Ingredients :
3 eggs
2 cups dashi
6 slices kamaboko
6 small pieces cooked chicken breast
6 shrimps
3 fresh shiitake mushroom, cut
2 tbsp soy souce
pinch of salt
little bit mitsuba

Directions :
In saucepan, boiling dashi and let it cool.




Beat eggs lightly and mix with cooled dashi, salt and soy souce.


Prepare 6 chawan with lid.


cutting a mushroom



Devide chicken, shrimps, mushroom, kamaboko and mitsuba between six chawan, pour in eggs mixture.
Fill large saucepan with 1/4 full of water and boiled.
Turn the heat into medium and place chawan with lid into saucepan.
Cook for 20 - 30 minutes or until custard sets, (you can check readiness with skewer.)


My chawan mushi made from eggs which is contain high protein, (you can read here), it goes to Sanggeth of Art of Cooking Indian Food who is hosting Eat Healthy - Protein Rich Contest.


sefa firdaus said...

itu tangan siapa Els?

foto-fotonya keren banget.. udah kayak dimajalah kuliner
*2 jempol*

A.G said...

waa.. kmrn aku liak di bbc food bikin ginian.. naksir mangkoknya hehe.. :D

Unknown said...

bagus bener foto²nya bow

Dita said...

foto2nya asik Sye. Dapet bgt moodnya.
Gak susah2 amat ternyata ya bikin chawan mushi.

chenmarlin said...

fotonya bagus, apalagi mangkoknya.

Elsye said...

to sefa : tangannya temen gue Fa :P, kan gantian tuh prakteknya qiqiqiiq
btw thanks say :D

to ayin : mangkok punya si ibu2 yang ngadain acara..:P

to mindy : sengkiyuuu JEng :D

to dita : iya dit, pas banget soalnya gantian ama temen gue tuh :P, gampang sayy elo bisa bikin juga dirumah :D

to chen marlin : sengkiyuuu....:D mangkok punya ibu2 yang bikin acara :P

Sheila said...

Waduh, nyari cawan lucu gitu bakal susah di tempat gue. Palingan adanya di toko Asia, itu juga harganya bakal mahal.

Ceritanya elo jadi seksi dokumenter ya...qiqiqi. Tapi sempet ikutan praktek juga kan? Foto2nya keren, El. Imho, foto plg bawah angle-nya agak naik dikit. Tapi ini masalah selera aja sih. Soalnya gue penasaran pengen liat dalemnya secara detil...kekekek.

Henny Aosa said...

wah mom,rajin ikutan kursus masak juga ya???

Anonymous said...

hallo Elsye...berkunjung lagi nih :D
lagi ikutan kursus masak ya Sye? cantik2 fotonya, semua masakannya keliatan asoy deh ;D

Retno Prihadana said...

Mangkoknya lucu banget, dashi tuh kayak sejenis ajinomoto/penyedap kah?

Ira Rodrigues said...

oh, i would not worry since i have the ceramic for my fav chawan mushi, yay...
thx resepnya
and of coz potonya :)

Rita Sella said...

iya el, aku jg penasaran pengen liat penampakannya klo dah mateng. kamaboko disini ada seh tapi ingredientnya ada mirin.ntar klo dah punya cawan pengen nyuba.

photonya bicara sekali, bikin krasan ngeliatinnya.

Deby Suwito said...

salam kenal. Seneng banget liat foto yang ini. Boleh bagi ilmunya mbak, kalo foto seperti ini setting-annya seperti apa?
thanks sebelumnya.

Unknown said...

kerennn els....foto2nya bener2 topppp

A. Ann said...

Jadi rindu kursus deh baca postingan ini..thx for sharing Sye..:-)

Anonymous said...

cup nya cantik banget Sye... foto2 lo itu loooohhh. Wish gw bisa ikutan kursus gini...