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In Japan, summer break for kids start from the end of July until the end of august. It is a long holiday ..right. I already planned some acivities for my boys. It has to be creative activities, eventhough I'm not a person who has some creative idea but google and my fellow blogger could be a source for searching any kind of idea for my kids activities.
For example, when I read Dita's blog about papertoys we're really want to make those toys. Then I klik the link from Dita'S and heyy...It is a cool site which has any kind of pattern for making paperworks. Not just my kids, my hubby got fall in love with this site. They choosed two patterns from the site and start making tank and racing car.
But cutting the pattern is difficult task for 7 and 5 years old, so I cut the pattern for them and they colored the car and the tank, and my hubby helped them to fold the papers.
O yaa...don't forget for snacking :P, I've made sesame cookies for today snack...and...I've got the recipe from Dita's blog AGAIN...:P (Thankss Mak :P ) . I have two pack of sesame seed, the black one and the brown one. The black one was finished for making cheese biscuit and the other pack I use for making this cookies.
Baked pudding is also good for hot summer days. But I didn't make it. My hubby bought it from the supermarket. It is good when you have it together with your family.
Summer break, tapi mulai ujan jg ya Sye? Anak2ku baru akan mulai skolah lagi tgl 13 Aug ini.
Foto2nya cakep2 euy!
summer breaknya bentar aja yah disana cuma 2bln. disini keknya kelamaan. Gw jadi mikir nih kita nya sebagai mom keknya kudu creative juga yah spy anak2 gk bosen dgn summer breaknya.
prakaryanya lucu2 juga cookiesnya. NIKMAT!
disini summer breaknya udah dari pertengahan akhir Juni dan baru masuk lagi bulan September (utk anak sekolahan) kalo anak kuliahan mah dari pertengahan Juli sampe Oktober
gue kayaknya gak ikutan deh say lomba yg droplet.. kurang sreg sama ketentuan pemenangnya
to vania : iya nih lagi summer break ...lumayan lama, mana panas lagi hikss ..sengkkiyuu
to dwi : lamaan elo ya makk..:D...bikin prakarya ajah hahahh
to sefa : wawww bener2 panjang ya fa...asik benerrrr
El, udah gue praktekin nih sama anak2 gue. Susah juga nih, anak gue yg pertama nyuruh gue yg gunting, terus dia malah asik maen mobil2an sama adeknya. Ini sih ngerjain gue banget :D.
Udah gitu, begitu udah jadi. Direbut & diancurin sama adeknya. Huhuhuhu...
selamat menikmati summer :D
ya olohhh Mak, gue kok bisa ketinggalan postingan ini seh? CAntik2 Sye fotonya. Itu papertoysnya bocah-bocah keren banget!!!
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