So I ussualy prepare some light breakfast like bread and sometimes I put any kind of fruit just for variation and my two boys loved it.
The day before, my boys asked me, if I could buy some american cherry for their breakfast today.
Well, for today we have granola cookies too. As ussual I used up my half large packed granola for making cookies.
I made the cookies the day before and those cookies still chewy and the taste was good. I got the recipe from internet. Ohhh my...google always save me :P
If you want to try it, here is the recipe :
Bite Size Granola Cookies
Source : recipestips.com
Container: ungreased baking sheet
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Serving Description: Makes approximately 2½ to 3½ dozen cookies, depending on the size of the cookie.
3/4 cup butter, softened to room temperature
3/4 cup granular sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar (packed)
1 large egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon water or apple juice
2 cups all purpose flour
2 cups granola cereal
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cup raisins
1. Preheat oven to 375º F.
2. In a large mixing bowl, beat together butter and sugar. Add egg, vanilla, and water. Beat until well combined. Add flour, soda, salt, cinnamon, and raisins. Stir by hand until well combined.
3. Drop rounded teaspoon sized lumps of cookie dough onto cookie sheet. Bake 8 to 10 minutes or until lightly browned. Allow cookies to cool on cookie sheet before removing.
Tip: If using granola cereal that contains raisins, use 2½ cups of cereal.
I ordered a cup of Caramel Coffe with Cream on top, a cup of Mango Fruit Punch and a slice of Mango sponge cake. It is not the cheapest but not the most expensive as well. To enjoy the cozy, peaceful space and getaway from hot and humid osaka weather, you have to pay at least one thousand yen. Fair price for such delicious amenities.
It was still early, about 10 in the morning, so the cafe is only half full. Many had their breakfast, read newspaper, or simply chat with their friends.
Starbuck cafe is not just average cafe, they also offer lifestyle. So along with variety of coffe drinks and cake and pastries, they also sell brand merchandise like mug, coffee marker, coffee pot and of course the well-known Starbuck souvenirs.
The cafe also provides promotion CD with player for some light jazz and easy listening artist, just like in the music CD store. Also, book for children. So perhaps, next time I should take the kids. They might start the brawl in the cafe, but they can read the book instead and enjoyed the thirst quencher, fruit punch.
Today, I made a bread for my two boys. Found a bread recipe from Vania's blog.
I've never made Roti Sobek ( the bread's name)before. It was a long long time ago I had that bread. In my home country I always bought Roti Sobek at bread store which close to my parent in law's house. The store made many kind of bread and served fresh from the oven.
By the way, I've got tagged from Dita of Yummy and Dwiana of My Adventure of Cooking Diary (thanks gilrs :D), to show my best 10 foodie picture. Ehmmm...I don't think that my picture is the best but I would picked 10 of them which are my favorite.
Photography has become more than a hobby, it is a way to reflect and release my stressfull life in foreign country. You can imagine living in a country where you speak little of the local language. It is like living in prison. So photography and blogging can outreach far wider world, where many people may understand my language.
I met, blogger from many country most of them are Indonesian and we have same hobby, photography. Well...from them I learned how to take photos. Thanks...
Googling new recipe for cookie. There are tons of cookie recipe in the internet. Not all taste good, but we have to try the recipe to find out. Some of them has become my favourite recipes.
For instance, banana chocolate chips cookie. The kids love the chocolate chip cookie. I got the recipe from Vania, and also from Dita dan Foni who verified that this is the best recipe for chocolate chip cookie. So, I have made it and I think it is best with ice chocolate.
Yesterday, I tried this recipe again, but this time, I used wheat fluor instead of regular flour. I also used raisin in the place of chocolate. They sill taste very very good !
If you are interested, please check Vania's or Dita's or Foni's blog for the recipe. Happy snacking !
Pagi-pagi sarapan, masih ada sisa macaroni panggang kemaren, lumayan ga usah bikin lagi itu sarapan. Gue pake bumbu jadi kiriman dari temen. Enak banget ga usah susah-susah masak lagi :D
Semuanya gue campur jadi satu terus dikasih keju mozarella yang banyak. Dikasih topping udang saos teriyaki sisa bentou anak gue. Iya biasanya gue sekalian masak banyak buat makan siang dirumah, selain buat bentou.
Nah siangnya gue mesti ke kelas bahasa, tapi makkk hari ini panasss bangettt...edun deh, abis pulang dari kelas bahasa jam 12 siang yang panas mentereng gue sempetin deh ke Mister Doughnut, lagi ada discount buat donat yang kita suka. Di gerai itu, keliatannya semua donat di panggang jadi bukan di goreng kayak biasanya.
Gue suka donatnya karena lembut banget, rasanya juga macem-macem. Menurut gue sih rasanya rada ajaib, kadang ada rasa mochi, rasa kacang merah tapi enak-enak sih. Nah kebetulan hari ini donat isi vla yang kita suka lagi diskon, dari 105 Yen jadi 80 Yen. Lumayan buat ganjel perut siang-siang :P.
Gue beli rasa strawbery sama mangga. Penampakannya emang ga kayak donat yang ada bolongnya di tengah, ini kayak cake biasa tapi teksturnya kayak donat. Yang asik lagi, kita dapet point kalo sering beli, dan berhadiah pula...qiqiqiqi..
PS. Sori cuma bla..bla...:P, lama2 blog gue jadi tempat curhat :P
Still lazy to update my blog :(, I'm just eating while browsing some recipes :P...
Yayyy.... never forget cold ocha, best for summer day...
Still keep coconut-banana pudding, I made yesterday...
Happy Summer Day....!!
Thanks Sheila!
Tik..tik..tik...bunyi hujan diatas genting.
Airnya turun tidak terkira.
Cobalah tengok dahan dan ranting.
Pohon dikebun basah semua.
I passionated about baking, I tried many recipe from internet, join a foodie group and mailing list. One of my foodie club is Klub Berani Baking, founded by Arfi of Homemade.
Anyway...I'm just finished bake cheese biscuit, when rain was come. This is a 6th challange of Klub Berani Baking, hosted by Regina of Wajan Panci.
It was my first attempt making cheese biscuit, no eggs needed but this recipe calls canneyene pepper. I used chilli powder instead of cayenne pepper, also use cheedar cheese.
I made half of recipe, and it turn nine large biscuit which is the taste similar with kaastengels. But the diffrent thing is this biscuit used black sesame seed.
My elder son, really loved this biscuits even I put chilli pepper inside. When he bite the hot part, then he asked me to give him ice tea
Cheese Biscuits
Source: Vogue Australia: Wine and Food Cookbook.
225g grated mature cheese
125g butter
125g flour
cayenne pepper to taste
sesame seeds
With finger tips, mix together cheese, butter, flour and cayenne pepper until mixture forms a mass. Butter a biscuit tray. Make small balls of the dough. Roll some in sesame seeds and press on tray, placing them fairly far apart as they will spread while cooking. (We have pressed walnuts on some of the biscuits and, for a colour contrast, some chopped pistachio nuts). Bake biscuits in pre-heated oven 180C for 15 minutes. Store in an airtight container.
Happy Baking ..!