So I ussualy prepare some light breakfast like bread and sometimes I put any kind of fruit just for variation and my two boys loved it.
The day before, my boys asked me, if I could buy some american cherry for their breakfast today.

Well, for today we have granola cookies too. As ussual I used up my half large packed granola for making cookies.
I made the cookies the day before and those cookies still chewy and the taste was good. I got the recipe from internet. Ohhh my...google always save me :P

If you want to try it, here is the recipe :
Bite Size Granola Cookies
Source : recipestips.com
Container: ungreased baking sheet
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Serving Description: Makes approximately 2½ to 3½ dozen cookies, depending on the size of the cookie.
3/4 cup butter, softened to room temperature
3/4 cup granular sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar (packed)
1 large egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon water or apple juice
2 cups all purpose flour
2 cups granola cereal
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cup raisins

1. Preheat oven to 375º F.
2. In a large mixing bowl, beat together butter and sugar. Add egg, vanilla, and water. Beat until well combined. Add flour, soda, salt, cinnamon, and raisins. Stir by hand until well combined.
3. Drop rounded teaspoon sized lumps of cookie dough onto cookie sheet. Bake 8 to 10 minutes or until lightly browned. Allow cookies to cool on cookie sheet before removing.
Tip: If using granola cereal that contains raisins, use 2½ cups of cereal.
cherry-nya menggiurkan
kukisnya jugaaaaaaaaaaaaa
fotonya mah spt biasa keren ;)
El, gue juga kalo sarapan lbh prefer yg light. Tapi rada susah kalo wiken, soalnya suamiku lebih cenderung sarapan yg agak heavy.
Btw, american cherry tuh kayak apa ya? Aku suka foto tangan anakmu yg lagi megang cherry. Eh, itu tangan anakmu kan?
Gw sering skip breakfast. kalau makan pagi maunya jam 10 or 11 an. nanggung. so sekali makan maunya nasi goreng.
kalau makan roti sih okay2 aja. 1 jam kemudian... perut gw nangih lagi. dasar perut kamse kan.
Cherry?? doyan......!! foto2 nya bikin gw ngiler.
semua fotonya cakepp
nah sye.. makasih bangett..gue ini mang lagi pusingmikirin granola kudu diapain berhubung si jas kg suka. kok gue kg nemu resep ini sih di google..uhhh
gue coba pasti.. thx ya sye
roti memang cocok buat breakfast, hmmm kalau gua sukanya simple banget, roti pakai butter trus cokelat meises..yummy!!!
duh itu cherry, merah merona. disini cherry mahil bangets.
sama kaya Dwiana, gw jarang sarapan. sekalinya sarapan lebih milih yg warm ataupun heavy sekalian.
cherry d jepun murah El? d sini kalo summer gini lumayan murah..tp kalo winter mahal bok..
gue gak pernah sarapan, seringnya brunch! Paling anak2 yg biasa sarapan! Cherry sekilo tuh bisa abis sendiri ma gue Sye :D
to sefa : bikinnn faaa...:D, btw thankss say :D
to sheila : gue sih ga ikutan sarapan say, ;P anak gue yang pada makan ama misua :D, american cherry kayak cherry biasa, tapi orang jepung ngomongnya gitu..wakakka...btw thanks say :D
to dwi : wahhh, nasgor emang ga ada tandingannya ya dwi ..:P, sengkkiyuuu say :D
to foni ; sippp fon, selamat mencoba...thanksss yoo :D
to vin : kekekkeke...endang ya vin :P
to mindy : sama bow, disini juga mahal...gue beli cuma beberapa biji :D
to lidia : lumayan mahal Lid...payah deh...dia keluar waktu summer tapi itu jgua jarang, malah lebih banyak waktu spring...aneh deh..:D
to dita : ..cherry sekilo..weiitss gue juga mauuu :D
breakfast biasa aku doyan yang asin2, tapi akhir2 karena bikin muffin melulu jadi yang manis2 dah
b'fast kamu ala sehat els!
itu so handsome yg jd model ya?
so cuteeee...
lovely shots!!
cerinya mritilin dikebon ya :) disini ada banyak pohon cery.. buahnya buuuuanyak banget
toast bread hmmm sedyap bt BF
Aku suka sarapan roti bakar pake mentega ama gula, he he ndeso yak! Buah Cerry nya cantik banget sye, warnanya meraaahh eh mengkilat pula ..
Yes,..breakfast is the most important meal course. :) Biasa pilihan breakfast omellete, pancakes, bread, bubur dan kue kue.
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