Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Finally Raining and KBB's Task..

Thanks...God, finally rain is come ....



Tik..tik..tik...bunyi hujan diatas genting.
Airnya turun tidak terkira.
Cobalah tengok dahan dan ranting.
Pohon dikebun basah semua.



I passionated about baking, I tried many recipe from internet, join a foodie group and mailing list. One of my foodie club is Klub Berani Baking, founded by Arfi of Homemade.

Anyway...I'm just finished bake cheese biscuit, when rain was come. This is a 6th challange of Klub Berani Baking, hosted by Regina of Wajan Panci.


It was my first attempt making cheese biscuit, no eggs needed but this recipe calls canneyene pepper. I used chilli powder instead of cayenne pepper, also use cheedar cheese.


I made half of recipe, and it turn nine large biscuit which is the taste similar with kaastengels. But the diffrent thing is this biscuit used black sesame seed.


My elder son, really loved this biscuits even I put chilli pepper inside. When he bite the hot part, then he asked me to give him ice tea

Cheese Biscuits

Source: Vogue Australia: Wine and Food Cookbook.

225g grated mature cheese

125g butter

125g flour

cayenne pepper to taste

sesame seeds


With finger tips, mix together cheese, butter, flour and cayenne pepper until mixture forms a mass. Butter a biscuit tray. Make small balls of the dough. Roll some in sesame seeds and press on tray, placing them fairly far apart as they will spread while cooking. (We have pressed walnuts on some of the biscuits and, for a colour contrast, some chopped pistachio nuts). Bake biscuits in pre-heated oven 180C for 15 minutes. Store in an airtight container.

Happy Baking ..!


Judith said...

Fotonya keren Sye .. salam buat Putrimu yak, he he!

Unknown said...

selamat nikmatin ujan El.

sefa firdaus said...

ice teanya seger benerrrrrrr
itu si sulung singletan saking panasnya yak :))

Sheila said...

El, gue suka style artistic lo di dua foto pertama. Apalagi dibikin BW (cmiiw).
Kukis lo penampakannya beda lagi nih, pake wijen item. Sayang banget deh anak2 gue gak gitu suka...huhuhu.

Foni said...

keren bener BW nya neng,
wijen item gue blom pernah coba nih sye..
untugn maren beneran gue kg pake cayenne..

Anonymous said...


gantungan baju bisa keliatan cakep ya kalau yg moto kamu...hihihi..kapan dong aku difoto, biar kelihatan cakep gtu....*genit mode on*

Btw, biskuitnya bagus tuh jadinya. Punyaku terllau tipis, pinggirnya rada gosong pula..

Unknown said...

cakep els...fotoin daku juga dunk...sous chef ku kalo motret daku kok keliatan jelex yah? (ah alasannnnn)

cookiesnya asyik tuh buat afternoon tea time hehe

lagu kanak2 kesukaanku:

"yo pra konco dolanan ning joboooo...padhang bulan padhange koyo rino....."

ok u got the drift, pls continue hehe

Yuli P. Digdo said...

duhh senengnyaa yg udah hujan .. dah gak panas lagi ya buu :). cisbiskuit-nya cakepp bangett ... gak kepikir dikasih wijen item ... fotonya cakep seperti biasa ... :)

Vivi Rahayu said...

Lebih bagus klo dikasih wijen item ya, apalagi yang moto ibu satu ini. Oh ya, itu si ganteng gak protes apa wajahnya dibikin blur..hihi

Ira Rodrigues said...

i love hujan...chill!
els mature cheese itu yg kaya mana ya?
sorry nih pertanyyan awam bagi yg baru mau coba resep ini he he

Unknown said...

great photos, els! as always :)

mae said...

cantiiiik.... *how many times should I mention it*

Adorable !

Duh, pas lagi seret gini liat es teh, seger bangeeet... !!! Tu biskit juga endang markondang ! Top deh !

Anonymous said...

huwaaa dah hujaaannn...senengnyaaa

edu..du..eee...cantik bgts potonya...ngiri ah..

hasil cizbiskitnya pake wijen item keren mbaa..

A. Ann said...

Cantiknyaaa..seneng bgt liat makanan di open air bgini. Bosen bo liat yg di studio..segernyaaahhh..

Sofie said...

ngebayangin makan ciz biskuit-nya nih.. kres-kres deh kayaknya.. :D
Fotonya te-o-pe deh El..

Dwiana P said...

aahhhh asli jadi pengen + kenyang liat ini biskuit bertaburan dimana mana LOL.
Els, seperti biasa nice shot dear. ini emaknya lebih milih cookies nya dr pada menampilkan anaknya gk ganteng hauahaaa tapi gw suka shot elo. cakep.

Elsye said...

sengkiiyuuuuu semua :P

buat ira : kayaknya yang jenis cheddar, parmesan, keju gauda termasuk keju ta ra :D...kamu bisa pilih salah satunya, aku kemaren pake keju cheddar ga punya keju yang laen soale qiqiiqiq

Elsye said...

kelupaan ,

to mbak judith : kekekeke itu cowok mbak, aku ga punya anak cewek...:D

.... Lia .... said...

Wah, klu summer ini aku merindukan hujan nich, puanasss bgt...btw, photo biscuits cuantik, seperti biasanya els...good job

Ira Rodrigues said...

hi els thx, for the informations
anyway we went for the import cold storage here, it was written mature cheese. know i know what is it is

harganya gilee, 100 rb uang kita, aw!!
aku ada cheddar yg biasa, mudah2 an jadi hiks!

Pinot W. Ichwandardi said...

ya oli sampe bingung gue udah ke sini apa belum :D. Itu si kakak kepanasan ya, singletan dowang :D.

Really really nice shots, Sye!! Love them!

Syanti Dewi said...

Waahhhh seperti biasa .. Cakeeepppp , top banget deh :)

Anonymous said...

seperti biasa, cantik2 fotonya Sye...

Lidia Sianturi said...

El..foto BW-nya bawa suasana melow...saking bagusnya..
Biscuitnya jg keliatan yum...