Kacang azuki ini di Jepang sangat populer, biasanya dibuat berbagai macam makanan terutama untuk isian mochi, sup yang didalamnya diberi rice cake, isian roti manis dan ada banyak lagi.
The azuki bean (also spelled adzuki or aduki) is an annual vine widely grown throughout East Asia and the Himalayas for its small (approximately 5 mm) bean. The cultivars most familiar in northeast Asia have a uniform red color, but white, black, gray and variously mottled varieties are also known. Scientists presume Vigna angularis var. nippinensis is the progenitor. Genetic evidence indicates that the azuki bean was first domesticated in the Himalayas.It was cultivated in China and Korea before 1000 BC. It was later taken to Japan, where it is now the second most popular legume after the soybean.[1]
Sumber : Wikipedia
Sumber : Wikipedia
Sebetulnya sudah lama ingin membuat puding ini, dan kebetulan juga dapat resep dari Mbak Rita yang begitu cantiknya membuat puding ini. Dalam pembuatannya, saya memakai kacang azuki yang sudah diawetkan dalam bentuk kalengan. Rasanya manis seperti bubur kacang hijau. Selain dalam bentuk kaleng, ada juga kacang yang masih utuh dalam bentuk plastik. Nah yang ini, perlu diremdam semalam agar memudahkan proses pembuatan puding.
Untuk sausnya, karena dari santan menjadikan puding ini sangat gurih. Terima kasih buat Mbak Rita yang sudah membagi resepnya. Yang pasti anak-anak suka puding ini.
1 packet agar powder (7 gr)
200 gr Azuki beans , soak overnight (original recipe is 100 gr)
350 ml sweetened condensed milk (original recipe is 300 ml)
700 ml water
1. Drain the beans and put them in a pot with water to cover. Bring the water to a boil, and simmer until the beans are completely cooked and falling apart, mix until thickens (you can just mix this azuki paste into agar, mine .. I processed to make a smooth texture)
2. Dilute Agar in water, put on to boil add sweetened condensed milk and azuki paste mix well, and pour on to the jelly mould
3. Chill in refrigerator, until just set.
4. Serve with coconut milk custard.
Coconut milk custard ( half the original recipe)
100 gr sugar
1/2 sdt vanilla extract or powder
25 gr cornstarch, diluted in small amount of water
500 ml coconut milk
Put coconut milk in the pan, add sugar and salt bring to boil over moderate heat, stirring until it boils. Add diluted cornstarch and vanilla, stir until the sauce thickens and comes to boil. Remove from the stove. Cool down before serve
pertama, beautiful shot ! kedua, photonya kereen.... ketiga,piring kosong nih, *wink...* you know lha hehehe...
qiqiqiq thanks mbak...*blushing* masih cakepan mbak rita, aku ngga bisa setting tampilannya..*mana piringnya* :)))))
I love ogura.. Indeed agree with mbak Rita
thankss pep...;) samaa...aku juga suka ogura....jadi mikir kayak kacang ijo..:)))
Aduh Elsye...pudingnya menggiurkan banget. Bagiiii
els...kalo temenku yg gila red bean sampe keliatan puddingmu ini, aku kawatir monitor laptopku ntar dijilatin wahahahaha
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