Banoffee Pies ini baru pertama kali gue buat, biasanya sih bikin pie biasa yang diisi sama custard dengan topping buah-buahan. Nah yang sekarang rada beda pienya diisi pisang, karamel sama cream.
Banoffee pie is an English dessert made from bananas, cream and boiled condensed milk (or dulce de leche), either on a pastry base or one made from crumbled biscuits and butter. Its name is a portmanteau constructed from the words "banana" and "toffee".Source : Wikipedia

Untuk pembuatan pastry pienya gue pake loyang pie yang ukuran mini yang biasa dipake buat bikin pie buah tadi. Sebenernya sih udah hunting loyang pie bongkar pasang, cuma kemaren waktu balik lagi ke tokonya ternyata udah abis..:P ya udah daripada bingung mikirin loyang, diperbudak juga tuh loyang mini gue...:D
Buat pastrynya ga ada kesulitan kecuali waktu mau digilas sama rolling pin, adonannya nempel dengan sukses ke rolling pin nya, ya terpaksa digilas pake tangan dan plastik, lumayan malah lebih cepet sama ga ribet ngambilin sisa adonan yang nempel ..;P Trus, gue ga pake biji-bijian buat menahan adonan waktu dipanggang.

Banoffee Pies
Source: Foodtown Magazine. October-November 2007; Cuisine Magazine, November 2002. with adjustments of pastry making and filling.
300g flour, 150g unsalted butter, diced, 5 Tbs sugar, 2 egg yolks, 3 Tbs cold water
Combine the flour, butter and sugar in the food processor and process until well mixed. Then mix in the egg yolks and process in small bursts until the mixture appears crumbly. Add the water a little at a time. As the crumbs get larger, turn the motor off and check that the pastry will come together when pressed between your fingers. Turn the mixture on to a clean board or bench and work very gently into a ball. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Roll out the dough to line 20-22cm flan or loose-bottomed tart tin, prick the base of the pastry with fork several times. Set aside for 30 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 180C. Line the base of the pastry with baking paper and beans, bake blind for 12-15 minutes or until the pastry turns golden brown. Remove the paper and beans. (Return the pastry base into the oven for 5 minutes or until the base becomes dry.)

75g butter, 50g brown sugar, 3 Tbs milk, 300g sweetened condensed milk, 2 firm bananas, 300ml cream, ½ -1 cup white chocolate curls atau grated white chocolate
Place the butter and sugar in a non-stick pan and heat gently until the butter melts and the sugar dissolves. Bring to the boil and simmer for one minute, stirring continuously using a wooden spoon. Remove from the heat and add the milk and condensed milk. Return to the heat and bring to the boil. Allow to gently bubble for 5-6 minutes, stirring continuously until the mixture thickens and turns a light golden brown. Cool slightly.
Cut the bananas and put them on the base of the pastry. Pour in the caramel mixture. Leave to cool then chill for at least 2 hours. Serve topped with the whipped cream, spooned or spread over the caramel, and the grated chocolate. (You can always use your piping bag and noozle! You are allowed to use nuts if you'd like). Makes 4-6.
Tapi buat fillingnya gue punya kesulitan karena salah gue sendiri ga seksama baca resep dan ga pernah nyimak email di milis :P. Waktu bikin filling yang harusnya pake susu cair gue pake susu bubuk...LOL :P, jadi yang ada itu si filling jadi keras kayak permen susu. Nah kebetulan malemnya sempet chat sama Ienas, setelah ngobrol - ngobrol akhirnya gue baru ngeh ternyata salah masukin susu...:P, juga dapet saran dari Ienas kalo bisa diencerin lagi dikasih susu cair lagi.
Besoknya baru dicairin lagi deh itu filling yang udah keras, dikasih susu cair yang agak banyakan :P, ehmm lumer juga akhirnya si filling dan jadi ga manis b anget karena dikasih susu yang melebih resep. Semua bahan memang gue kurangin gulanya, dari mulai pie base-nya sama karamelnya. Untuk topping cream, malah ga pake gula sama sekali.
Akhirnya selesai juga tantangan kelima ini. Banoffe Pies yang baru dibuat tadi, disantap setelah makan malem. :D
Rita Bellnad
Lia Gurun